Important People
Employment Status

ZodiAccurate Form


IMPORTANT: Please fill out the entire form. We follow all global GDPR privacy policies. Your information is private and only used by the software to create your daily report.

Enter your valid email address (double-check for spelling errors).

Enter your city, state, province, and country.

Enter your first name.

Enter the city, state, province, and country where you were born (if applicable).

Enter your birth date

Enter your birth time (Example: 1:30 PM). If unknown, make your best guess.

* required field

Personal Wellness

Health changes over time. You may have occasional migraines but long-term depression. Share anything you want and update as needed.

How would you rate your overall health?

Describe your current physical health (e.g., arthritis, low energy, pain, digestive issues, etc.).

Describe any emotional imbalances.

List any mental health challenges (e.g., negative thinking, trauma, serious conditions).

What are your wellness goals (e.g., lose weight, gain strength, be more flexible)?

List 3-5 short or long-term goals or dreams.

List 3-5 areas of your life you want to improve.

What are your top 3-5 sources of stress?

What brings you joy and satisfaction?

What family values or principles matter most to you?

What is your sexual orientation?

If your beliefs influence your decisions, sharing them can help personalize your guidance.

Relationship Status

What is your current relationship status?

Employment Status

What is your current employment status?

Current Employment

How do you feel about your current job?

What are your career goals for the next six months?

How do you handle work-related stress?

What is your ideal work environment?

How do you make career decisions?

How balanced is your work and personal life?

How secure do you feel about your finances?


Looking for work? What is your focus?


What is your main focus in retirement?

How do you feel about the transition into retirement?

How do you stay active in retirement?

How do you maintain social connections?

How do you feel about your sense of purpose in retirement?


Confirm your consent and email preferences.

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By selecting "Yes," you agree to receive daily email guidance from ZodiAccurate.